Our Services
Who we are
As an organisation we provide short, medium and long term residential care to young people who, for whatever reason, are either unable or unwilling to live within a family setting.
Our young people have usually suffered multiple placement breakdowns and are in desperate need of stability. It has been our experience that these young people just need someone to believe in them, to listen to them and respond to their needs. To this end, we offer our young people a commitment to stand by them and work through the difficult times and support them to achieve a sense of emotional and practical independence.
Our Homes
We believe strongly that young people should not be placed in large multi-bedded institutions but rather in homes that afford them a sense of attachment. At New Reflexions we have developed a flexible, inclusive and eclectic approach to meeting the needs of these young people. Therefore, we ensure our homes are selected and furnished with the focus on providing a warm and nurturing environment in which our young people can flourish.

Where we operate
We operate and provide a variety of services across the country. The majority of our Register Children’s Homes are in Shropshire, Staffordshire and Wales however some of our Homes do reach as far as Scotland! We also have large Response Services in Cumbria, Wales and Scotland. As part of our services we provide and encourage education; whether this be through our School in Shropshire or as Outdoor Education in our Response Services, we understand and encourage this engagement to promote learning with all of the young people in our care.
Every placement is supported by New Reflexions highly qualified clinical team. The assessments used by the clinical team include an assessment of attachment behaviours and an evaluation of the function of the young person’s risk behaviours and analysis is incorporated into the assessment report for each young person. For more information on the clinical team and the support they provide, Click Here
Regardless of the Service, every young person has a minimum of one carer working with them to ensure they have the support they need.
At New Reflexions we never end a placement:
If you would like to learn more about our services and see the loving Homes our young people get to call their own, please click on the relevant link below.

Residential Services

Educational Services

Response Services

Clinical Support